Saturday, October 14, 2006

This blog is pretty much nonexistant anymore, I mainly use it to chat with friends that blog here instead of elsewhere, but that does not mean you are out of luck, and cannot find the JohnPaul's Journeys blog, plus Gremlins Online!
(Note this list has been tweaked and reordered now to focus on the most oft-updated pages)

Contact: - Me - Jeanne

My Livejournal
This is my most frequently updated personal blog, though I have recently been toiling over whether or not to move it here or to wordpress instead. Either way this is my personal blog and I would be honored if anyone reading this would read a post or two of mine there and comment.

Jeanne's myspace and Blog
This is my wife, Jeanne's blog. She has been using it more and more in recent months and as we head in to 2007, I know it makes her feel better when she gets a comment, someone letting her know that they are listening. So head on over, and say hi :) (P.S she could really use it right about now :) )

Gremlins Online!

This is my bread and butter, my baby, my homegrown fruitcake, the site I have been running in various formats (and hosts) for about 7, just about 8 years now. This hopefuly will be where it stays for quite some time, and grows and grows and grows!
This is the most comprehensive Gremlins fan site on the 'net currently, with pictures, news, updates and stuff you probably never cared to know about the films!
Check it out, comment, and feed the site! Our newest feature is Fan Art Fridays, new Gremlins fan art every Friday. (currently on hold until 2007)
Expect constant updates there, so go often and let me feel special!

My Myspace

I rarely update beyond a bit of friend adding and cross posting the blogs I post here and my live spaces page. Really i use it to keep in touch with people I used to know well, now I just kinda sit and watch my site linger. Also myspace seems to be the slowest site on the intertubes, so I usually avoid it like it was (insert obscure celebrity) at a (insert annoying event) while (insert generic pop music reference) is being played.

My site
Well this site was aiming to be my main site, but...that didn't quite work for now i blog random gaming and technology rants here, but it is unknown how long that shall last. Come on Microsoft, make it awesome-er!

My Webcomic "YOWZA!"

Yeahhhh... this is kinda funny at times and terrible at others, but its pretty awesome overall, and is also on hiatus until I get an artist that can do the drawing while I write. I can't draw worth anything.

I also have profiles on:
(in order of the amount I use them and please note, Irarely use any, but add me anyways if you are on there! maybe ill get around to using them more!)

Yahoo 360 - Billypeltzer
Friendster - Jypsy
Cyworld - Jypsy

If you have any questions or want to get ahold of me, just email me or send me a message through MSN:

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Well its march and things are getting busier and busier, The new set of Yu-Gi-Oh, Labyryinth of nightmare, just came out, which is unbelievably popular. Dungeon Dice monsters was released recently as well, but its not as much fun as the Game Boy Advance game.....and the Joey & pegasus starter decks come out at the end of the week!!!! as for the move, we are getting closer and closer to moving, we just got a copy of our police report, and it was all stuf we knew, and mostly when we called the cops cause of problems. (which is good, because when the city of west allis sees this, they can look and see that we arent causing the problems, but trying to correct them!)

otherwise we should be going to the common council in West Allis early next month, so cross your fingers, and if any of you really like the store, please write a letter or email me with WHY its a great place etc etc etc. and ill give this to them at the meeting and it may help our case a bit.
thanks all!
stay crispy in milk.

Friday, February 21, 2003

Well the location in west allis has accepted our offer, and we just have to get things cleared up and confirmed with the city before we can assure everything is in place.
Lets see what else?

Today, i finally FINALLY started work on the Gremlins Homepage again, its been neglected for too long (nearly 3 years) and with my good friend Lynne's help we are going to make it a million times better than it was! (which was pretty good!) check it out at the gremlins homepage link on
My next project will be to actually make a new issue of YOWZA! its an ezine for writers, and everyone in general, there are over 100 subscribers and it is a lot of fun, so if you are interested, just go to and sign up!
well im getting kinda tired and ill post more tommorow more than likely.
Stay crunchy in milk!

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

A lot of people ask me how and why Timm and i came up with the game castle.
I always tell them the same story......

In 2001 Timm and I were just a couple of friends that were really into gaming.
We worked in an arcade and also played games such as magic, D&D, Mage Knight, various video games, so you could say we were "hardcore" gamers.
Well, We went to quite a few game shops in the area (and some outside of the area) but there was always one common theme: a seperation between the retail section and the gaming areas (if there was any gaming space at all.) Some stores you had to go into a basement or a seperate small room, some you were limited on time, some we just didnt feel comfortable. So finally after leaving one store dissapointed, we started fantasizing about having our OWN store! It would be perfect, tournaments, gaming space where you could play with the owners, and the gaming community would be a little closer together.
By november of 2001 we had secured the buisness permits and information we needed to begin our dream.
We looked at locations near our homes, and where we thought our kind of buisness would do well.
It would have to be a nice neighbourhood, have low crime, busline access and near schools.
We found our location in december in Wauwatosa, on 116th street. It used to be a pharmacy, was aprox. 1500 square feet, reasonably priced and within walking distance of mayfair mall, two schools, and a police station only blocks away.
We opened for buisness on the 15th of january 2002.
Looking back now, we can see a few mistakes we made. First, we had more gaming space than we knew what to do with, which impacted sales since no one knew we sold anything, Second, we were uneducated on many codes and statues for the city of wauwatosa, and third, We had no clue how to run a buisness.
We knew what gamers wanted, but weren't positve on the whole buisness side.
Four months or so later, we found our groove, we picked up a used Dance Dance Revolution Machine. (a game where you step on arrows to the beat of the music) This got our name out VERY quickly, and spread like wildfire within the gaming community. People loved the idea that Timm and myself played all the games we sold, knew what wer were talking about and didn't take the job too seriously.We weren't (and aren't) in it to make a million dollars, we did it because It's what we love, its what keeps us going and we know that many others feel the same way.
During the summer of '02, we experienced the popularity of a card game called "Yu-Gi-Oh' and began running tournaments.We had been carrying the product since february but the company had just started authorizing tourneys in may or june.
Now because of this we would have kids from all over the state (and some other states too) coming to our tournaments, and seeing our store!
Many still come and are loyal friends and customers. Typically most gamers would stick to one game, what they knew. Magic players played magic, Pokemon players played Pokemon, and DDR players played DDR. but something happened......
DDR players saw the Yugioh players having so much fun, they asked to learn about it, and began to play. Some magic players saw the fun on the DDR machine and the potential for a good workout at the same time, and started playing that. soon we had gamers from all walks of life playing games they never thought they would....
This showed us that if we were willing to take the time to teach, they were willing to take the time to learn.
We were seeing gamers crossing over constantly to try new things. We had kids coming in for help on their homework, people just coming in to meet, have birthday parties, create games, and just enjoy themselves. We knew we were a success.
Around fall of 02, the yugioh tournaments became huge, over 100 people wanting to play in the tourneys, and an additional 20-40 wanting to play other games.
This all went ok, toeing the line until shortly after our first year anniversary. We were notified that because of the structure and facilities inside, we could not have more than 25 people in the building.
This was a major blow to us.
Shortly after, we had to cancel our tournaments, as well as events we had been having monthly for the players.
Other measures we took to make sure we never exceeded our limit was to shorten our hours and close on nights that people wouldnt leave.
In the meantime we were looking for another location, preferably in the same city or a neighboring one.
There was a huge outpouring of concern from parents and the kids that came to our store.
"what can we do?"
"why is this happening?"
"How can I help?"
and so forth.
Now, we are looking for a new place for the game castle to reside in, somewhere permanant, somewhere safe.
As Timm and I talked about plans for the new Game Castle, we realized that the Game Castle had become more than just "a store"
it was reffered to by many kids to their parents as "The Shop", "The Store", "Castle" or even "JP and Timm's Place"
We saw that it was not just a simple "buy stuff and leave" store, it was something that in such a short time had become part of our community's life.
People of all ages came in to work out, learn, play, win, lose, and just be.
It was somewhere safe that parents could trust their kids to be when they got off school.
Police were glad for the fact that many of the kids that would be on the street being bored (and probably getting in trouble) were having a good time at the Game Castle.
People from New York knew of us as a great place to play games.
Timm and I became recogized all over the place, and are regularly called by parents who want to learn the games with their kids.
The store had become more than a game shop, it became a community center of sorts.
Now while we look for the perfect location, we look for the same things we did before.
But this time....we want to do it just right!
The 116th st. location was too small for our needs, so of course we need a larger location.
We need to be in a community that will embrace what we are doing as something benificial to the people instead of a go in get out buisness.
We need to be in a city that will help us grow into something even better than what we are now.
There has to be dedicated gaming space for the gamers, more retail space and a true arcade area.
We need to be somewhere that is ready for the Game Castle, somewhere that can handle dozens people coming from out of city, even out of state, each week to participate in events, touranments, and the oppourtunity to play a few arcade games that are nowhere else.
We need to make sure the community knows that we are willing to hold events, birthday parties, club meetings and small social gatherings if need be.
Most importantly we need to be somewhere that will help the game castle be everything it WILL be and in return, help the community become part of something unique!

No matter what, we will make the next game castle the best it can be!
Thats what our dreams about.

Thanks for listening.
JohnPaul Cupertino
Zajal & Jypsy's Game Castle


Heyas all, Jypsy, AKA JP here to give you an official announcement on what's up!

As some of you know, we ran into an issue with the amount of people in the store which started a snowball effect, revealing all the problems we didn't know we had! So, we had a couple options, get the store completely remodeled, new doors, an additional bathroom and etc. etc. or move to a new, larger and BETTER location.

We chose to move!

We are looking at a location in the West Allis area, that is exactly 5.6 miles from the current place.
The new game castle will be approximately DOUBLE the size that the store is now.
There will be some changes, and I know that a lot of you have tolerated a lot of weird things around here, and that is amazing! You guys have been with us through the store changing looks constantly, hours shifting, us having to limit the amount of people that we have in at a time, canceling of tournaments and events and other random dot things that have happened throughout the year! (WOW we are a year old! hard to believe isn't it?)
Anyways, the new store will probably (we are still working on the paperwork, so no guarantees yet) going to be on 70th and Greenfield. The parking is kinda hard to figure out but there are about a dozen spaces behind our store, and there is a Kmart shopping center nearby with TONS of parking.

Next: TOURNAMENTS WILL RETURN! once we get settled in the new shop we will be having the tournaments we all know and love. Yugioh, Magic, and Vandorian Phlanx.

Also, We will be holding big Morton's List events and probably have a Juggalo Mini-Gathering sometime in the summer!

I will post when i get more details on when we move and what exactly will happen! if you have any questions please email me or Instant Message me.

AIM: vulp1x
MSN: billypeltzer
YAHOO: billypeltzer
ICQ: 1599960

Thanks all & Keep In Touch