Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Well its march and things are getting busier and busier, The new set of Yu-Gi-Oh, Labyryinth of nightmare, just came out, which is unbelievably popular. Dungeon Dice monsters was released recently as well, but its not as much fun as the Game Boy Advance game.....and the Joey & pegasus starter decks come out at the end of the week!!!! as for the move, we are getting closer and closer to moving, we just got a copy of our police report, and it was all stuf we knew, and mostly when we called the cops cause of problems. (which is good, because when the city of west allis sees this, they can look and see that we arent causing the problems, but trying to correct them!)

otherwise we should be going to the common council in West Allis early next month, so cross your fingers, and if any of you really like the store, please write a letter or email me with WHY its a great place etc etc etc. and ill give this to them at the meeting and it may help our case a bit.
thanks all!
stay crispy in milk.